Saturday, February 20, 2010

Glorious Weather, Fruit Reprieve

Dear Butterfly Families,

While we should be prepared for cold weather to return, I remember last year on glorious spring days some of our nursery children became too warm in their snow clothes. When dry, I would let them take off a jacket. It would be good, for this reason, to be prepared to have spring rain clothes ready. That being said, we are outside first thing in the morning; I would be tempted to dress for the 60 degree sunny afternoon weather, so please avoid my enthusiasm for the sun and provide enough warmth first thing (layers are good).

Our class continues to thrive outside and inside in the play--many children playing with many others, complex and sustained scenarios, children who were less talkative at the beginning of the year now speaking freely in their imaginative roles--all in all, it is a blessing to be with the group. On a number of occasions, I have experimented with holding back a second, informal fruit snack: to me it seemed it would interfere with the robust learning through play that was occurring; I noticed no complaints about hunger. Children seem to enjoy the form of the sit-down snack more when they are a little hungry (again, no child has complained of being hungry). Anything I can do to help us toward freedom is something I want to do, so I want to free you from bringing fruit to the nursery class. Please continue to bring a plethora of soup vegetables; our children love to help peel and chop.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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