Monday, April 30, 2012

May Day preview, flowers

Dear Nursery Families,

Kim, Dyanne, and I are pleased with our plans for tomorrow, May 1. You will drop off and pick up your child as usual. We will spend our entire morning with the Golden Forest class, helping them to bake their bread, helping to knit may crowns, playing on the play yard, and joining them for a snack on the playground. The Sunflower children will join us, and then we will process to the sunny meadow. While children play and assist, adults and older children will craft may crowns (and perhaps other surprises) for each child. Each teacher will guide a set of dances around our little maypole--many of your children will remember my dances from parent & child classes. Our children will likely be enlivened and fatigued by the merry fellowship.

We are gathering flowers and will have the right amount for ornate or austere May crowns. If you have a few moments to clip a few flowers to weave into our crowns, please drop them off outside in the morning.

With warmth and light,


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