Monday, April 26, 2010

Ending Outside Tuesday and Wednesday

Because we will be watching the Mayfaire rehearsals, we will end class outside on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Here are 2 clothing reminders:

The children are getting really competent in hanging up their own outdoor clothes.  Please, please do clear out your child's cubby this Wednesday.  When a child has many sets of clothes on her or his cubby, it can make it hard for her or him and even neighbors to find an empty hook to hang things.  I'll go out on a limb; I would rather have a clean cubby area in which children can feel really effective at caring for their things with the risk that we'll be caught without the right gear in the foul weather May and June can bring us than the alternative--having gear for all sorts of weather at school but having children feel unable to find their things and help themselves.

As we get warm and disrobe, please remember to save clothing with righting, cartoon characters, media images, and the like for non-school days.  Please also remember to save the temporary tattoos, nail polish, and the like for home as well.  The more we can simplify the clothing of our children in school, the more we can free their imaginations.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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