Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Welcome to Brendan, Food, Conferences

Dear Golden Forest Families,

Next Monday we will welcome a new student and new family to our school.  Please see Sheila's announcement below:

WIWS is happy to welcome Brendan Lumsdaine to our Golden Forest Kingergarten. Brendan's sister, Sophia, is joining our 2nd grade class, both next Monday, January 14th.

Brendan's birthday is 5.7.07; his parents are Meg & Peter Lumsdaine. They are in the process of moving here from Bend, Oregon. 

Please make sure to greet and welcome our newest WIWS family!

Sheila Weidendorf

Enrollment Director,

FOOD  We are in pretty good shape for soup day tomorrow.  We could use many more apples for apple sauce day on Thursday, as well as a dozen eggs or so.  In these winter months, if each family could concentrate on soup vegetables and apples (as opposed to other fruits), with a few eggs for those for whom it is serendipitous, that would be lovely.

CONFERENCES  As I wrote before, our Golden Forest conferences will happen during my Tuesday office hours (2pm and 2:30pm time slots).  When I post the office hour schedule on Thursday of this week, I will include some Tuesday early evening slots on occasion.  Please schedule a time that works for you.  No conference is needed urgently.  I expect any conference to be fruitful, whether it happens sooner or later.

Please remember that EC classed are not in session the final week of February (the week after February break; we are off two weeks).  Children of an age to rise to first grade next year will be invited 2 at a time to visit the Red Queen (rising first assessment; more details to come), and Dyanne and I will meet with all those parents that week.

It is fun to be with your children again.  We will celebrate summer birthdays the next 4 Wednesdays.  I look forward to good times ahead.

With appreciation,


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