Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Office Hours Reminder, Woodland Walks, Imagination and Vigor

Office Hours

This is a reminder that I hold office hours every other Wednesday in the Butterfly Classroom. Please sign up for a 2 hour slot in advance. Upcoming dates are October 5 (1:30pm slot has been taken; 2pm is open) and October 19. I will put a list inside my door if you want to sign up in advance.

Woodland Walks

Yesterday, Monday, we took our first walk into the woods. We returned to the bower in which we met Mother Earth during Friday's festival. Although she was not there, children found great satisfaction in climbing, balancing, and pretending (lumber work on the trees). The class has also seemed to bond to me and to each other, so I feel more confident about being the woods and being able to keep track of our children. I intend for us to be able to go to the woods each day and have a healthy bit of time on the playground. Our indoor snacks will take place earlier (the children more rather than less pasta yesterday with snack earlier).

Imagination and Vigor

Indoors and out, all our children show an ability to play imaginatively and socially in a variety of ways. I have never seen some of the simple classroom toys--such as a silk or piece of wood--used in such a variety of ways, in such rapid succession (a piece of wood is a guitar, then bagpipes, then a power tool, then on and on). It is inspiring to see children using their imagination in this way.

More than a couple of our children are quite strong, and strong in a variety of ways. They move big and small pieces of wood about the room. They receive great benefits from this combination of imagination (building a delivery truck, for example) and gross motor physical work (getting the mind and body in sync, as it were). For some children, the ability to discern the safety of the other is not in the front of the mind (it would be too much to expect it to always be there, but we are working toward it). I am trying very hard to be available to keep children safe--AND many of your children are strong and quick, and it a moment a piece of lumber can strike a face or body. I want to stress that this is not an issue with one or two children but a quality living in the class as a whole--nor is it in any way unhealthy (while still being challenging).

The children occasionally become stuck when they all witness an inspiring, imaginative use of something (a small tent, for example), and 3, 4, or 5 children all wish they could be doing exactly the same thing--and some of them wishing they could do it alone. This is not a new dynamic to an early childhood program, but it is an element I am working with pretty directly and consciously in our group.

With Warmth and Light,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Denis said...

It is comforting and helpful to read updates of the various goings-on in the class. It heightens my sense of connection with the children, and provides direction for supportive communication between classes.

Thanks William and Lynn.
- Denis