Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dates and vacations to be mindful of

Dear Nursery Families,

Because a number of you are new to our school, I wanted to give a preview of some calendar items.  Our weekly newsletter also has an accurate calendar.

Friday, November 12 -- Lantern walk.  See a previous blog post for your family's time.

November 22-24  --  No school the week of Thanksgiving.

Friday, December 10 --  Nursery Advent Spiral postponed.   Because the whole school will be involved, we are delaying the set-up of the greens and changing the dates of the early childhood spirals.

Thursday, December 16, 8:45am  --  Likely time of the nursery Advent Spiral.  Parents are invited to bring their children back to school for this event.  It will last about half an hour.

Monday, December 20 until Friday, January 7, School closed.   My hope is you have adequate time to prepare for this 3 week closure.

As a school, we are trying to avoid one day closures that bump classes off rhythm.

My experience is that longer breaks create space that enables children to start anew with wonderful new imaginative play scenarios.  I look forward to the joys and gifts children bring with them in the New Year.

Please note that school will be open on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  It will be a day of service (I am not sure as of yet in what ways we will honor the day in our nursery class).

Hope this helps.


William Geoffrey Dolde

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